Saturday, April 17, 2010


Hello hello!

So anyways, I got the idea for this blog while I was in the shower. Which is strange. Anyways, my buddy Taylor and I are kinda similar in our music tastes in that we both like indie stuff, but when you really get into it our tastes differ GREATLY. Simply put, he is a hipster (even though he denies it, but what hipster wouldn't?) while I am... well, I think I'm unclassifiable. I've asked other people and they have no idea. If you come up with a stereotype for me, please let me know! Back to the main point, I thought that it would be entertaining to see each of us experience each other's music and let each other know how we truly feel about it. What better way to accomplish this than to make an album review blog?! Anyways, here's the general guidelines for the blog:
1. Each week, Taylor and I will each choose a relatively recently released album to review.
2. Without discussing the album with each other at all, we will each listen to it in its entirety, write a review about it, and then rate it on a scale from 0.0-10.0.
3. We will post Taylor's album of choice and its reviews on Sundays and my (Paul's) album of choice and its reviews on Wednesdays.
4. We are not professionals by any means! This is simply a fun project for us and a good way for us to discover new music while informing any readers we have.
5. We realize that musical opinions differ! I might hate what you like and you might hate what I like. IT'S ALL GOOD! Don't take any of these reviews too seriously, they should be treated as guidelines, not the Gospel!
6. Love music!

Here's the introductions of our reviewers...

Hello, my name is Taylor King. I am a guitar player in two bands (Be At Leso, in which I also sing, and Ottoman Turks) and I love music. My taste is very expansive, and ranges from Punk rock all the way to Hip-hop.
A quick summary of my favorite music: Radiohead, Sonic Youth, Joy Division, R.E.M., Pixies, The Velvet Underground, Television, LCD Soundsystem, The Clash, Talking Heads, Gogol Bordello, Iggy & The Stooges, Mission Of Burma, De La Soul, MF Doom, Outkast, Yo La Tengo , Animal Collective, Grizzly Bear, Bob Dylan, The Beatles, Pavement, Belle & Sebastian, Wire, Portishead, David Bowie, James Brown, Miles Davis, etc... this is not even close to being an exhaustive list.
Though I am pegged as a hipster by some, I usually dismiss the term simply because I don't like being labeled. But for the sake of this blog, I shall humbly don the moniker "hipster."
Besides music, my other interests include reading and photography.
I am delighted to be here :D

Hi! My name is Paul and I’m a drummer for three bands: Be at Leso, The Hot Tickets, and Ottoman Turks. My music preferences are a bit random at times, sometimes I even surprise myself with what I like or don’t like.
My top three favorite bands are The Beatles, Weezer, and the Strokes. Besides them, I also enjoy listening to Pixies, Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin, Flobots, Arctic Monkeys, The Strokes, Alkaline Trio, Unwritten Law, The Airborne Toxic Event, The Horrors, Ozma, Action Action, Vampire Weekend, Matt and Kim, The Thermals, Mystery Jets, Wolf Parade, James Brown, Belle and Sebastian, CAKE, Wavves, Fungi Girls, Born Ruffians, The Clash, The Smiths, The Rural Alberta Advantage, Lync. I basically just copied that straight off of my Facebook page, sorry.
I’m not really sure what I can be classified as, and apparently nobody else does either. I’m just a guy that likes music I guess.
Besides listening to and playing music, I also enjoy playing hockey and golf and running.
Nice to meet you!

Thank you for reading!


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