Thursday, July 22, 2010

Jenna Fischer and Pam Beesley

Special Post
Jenna Fischer and Pam Beesley
Friend Review:
So what is there to say about one of the most beautiful girls in the world? Or did I just say all that needs to be said? Maybe I should explain how along with being gorgeous she also plays one of the most beloved characters on the hit show “The Office?”? Did I just blow your mind? Did you ever have a mind or did you leave it on the side of 635 on a rad red couch I saw the other day? I don’t even know man.
Jenna Fischer is gorgeous, cute, adorable, pretty, whatever. I would hit it. And anyone who wouldn’t is a fool. There’s not much I can say about the personality of Jenna Fischer because I don’t know her on a personal level. I mean, I read her blog once and fell in love with her but how much would you trust that? I do, but that’s not the point. Pam Beesley, on the other, I feel like I do have an intimate relationship thanks to how much of my life I’ve spent in front of my television watching my favorite TV show. She’s gorgeous, of course, she cares for others, she’s absolutely hilarious, and she’s gorgeous. People, we should all strive to be a bit more like Jenna Fischer/Pam Beesley.

Friend Rating:

Hipster Review:
I feel weird and awkward about this for a lot of different reasons; rather than reviewing an artist's work or an common item, I'm reviewing a person-a rather attractive person at that. This will be difficult, but I'll do my best.
My introduction to Jenna Fischer was on The Office, from her character Pam Beesley. I always thought that she was cute, and her low-key demeanor only made her more so. And as the series progressed I enjoyed watching her character progress from an awkwardly adorable receptionist into a perky, exuberant saleswoman. Other well-known characters of Fischer's include Katie van Walderberg from Blades of Glory and Darline Madison from Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story, the latter of which shows the actor at her most enthused and uninhibited. Her humor lies in the subtleties of her various performances, her role in The Office being the most striking (I'm no critique of actors, but I know a good one when I see it). Fischer is wonderfully funny, but not in a ridiculous, side-splitting way; she's able to ease with her humor.
I suppose that's about all I have to say about Jenna Fischer; she's a funny, attractive actress.

Hipster Rating:


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