Monday, September 27, 2010

The Walkmen - Lisbon

Taylor's Choice:
The Walkmen - Lisbon

Hipster Review:
The Walkmen are a one-of-a-kind band; their echoey baroque/rock & roll mixture is distinguished from every other indie rock band today (except maybe The National), and this uniqueness provided the last decade with some of the most gripping music around. Their last two records both offered something that the other didn't: one (Bows + Arrows) throwing a rock/post-punk barrage, the other (You & Me) providing a more atmospheric, disarming sound.
Now the group kicks off in the new decade with Lisbon, perhaps their most restrained, relaxed album yet. The songs here are very exotic-sounding, pulling out more horns, drumming up (see what I did there?) more flavorful beats, and overall varying their sound pallet a bit more. While it's not a dramatic sound shift (it's stylistically similar to You & Me) Lisbon still feels very fresh, in fact fresher than most albums I've heard this year. There's a huge surf rock vibe, and that influence makes each song catchy and fluid. The band feels at their most playful here, giving each song plenty of room to breath, and while each song feels breezy they don't feel empty. And some of the compositions here rank among the group's best, such as "Angela Surf City" and "Woe Is Me". Overall, even though Lisbon isn't the Walkmen's best album, it's still one of the most enjoyable, pleasant albums I've heard all year.

Hipster Rating:

Friend Review:
Hey guys, sorry it’s been so long. I’ve been really bogged down here at school, so I’m gonna try to post a bunch of quick reviews up just to get caught up on stuff. So these’ll be short but hopefully they’ll get the point across. Again, sorry.

Oh! But first here’s some super rad news!

I have a radio show here at Texas A&M! It’s called Paulcore, and it airs Thursday nights/Friday mornings from midnight to 2 AM. You can listen at I play indie pop and rock so I always make sure to throw in a few pieces of stuff that we’ve reviewed recently in there. It’d be really cool if you would listen!

I first heard The Walkmen after hearing their song “The Rat” on the radio. I feel like this song is simply brilliant and impressive and shows what they are really capable of. Before this album I listened to Bows + Arrows and the only track I really liked was “The Rat”. This album follows in the same nature as Bows, everything is very slow and it drags on a lot. Each song gets repetitive within the first minute. There’s just not much energy in this music and the songs get long very very quickly. It might just not be my thing, but I wasn’t impressed. These guys remind me a lot of The National and I’d always prefer to listen to the latter.

Friend Rating:

Coming up next, I’m Having Fun Now by Jenny and Johnny!


Anonymous said...

Hey Guys! Boy, am I glad you guys didn't post this review until a few days ago. My computer has been down for three weeks! And I was fearing that you guys might have thought I just disappeared on you or something. Rest assured, I finally got it back today! So, yippie! And freelancing, here I come.

Paul, that's awesome you're on a radio station at your college. During the spring semester of this past year, I was on my college radio station, WRPR news, at Ramapo College. I was responsible for broadcasting news segments for a class I took called "Broadcast and New Media." I interviewed critics and fans around campus about their feelings about Courtney Love's comeback. I saw her live back in June, by the way. Undeniably, the best experience of my life. Been a huge fan of hers and Hole for the past 5 years. I'll tell you more if you guys are interested. Actually, you can view some of the pics from the concert on my blog.

Before I talk about your reviews, I would like to share some news of my own! I went to this poetry reading in Starbucks in a town called Englewood, in New Jersey, by where I live. Dudes, I read one of my poems that I just recently wrote, and the crowd went nuts. I got so much applause and approval. It was amazing. I guess because everyone else's poem was more light-hearted and mine was more introspective and about self-growth and reflection, and obviously resonated more with the audience better than the one about sharing chicken nuggets. My friend got it all on tape! lol.

Now about your reviews...."Paulcore." That's awesome, man! I'll try to look up the website to give it a listen. Good for you!

Okay, before I state my opinion on the album, Hipster, you're reviews are always fair, visceral and very professional. A true rock critic you are. However, I gotta agree with Paul on this one: I wasn't impressed. But yes, the Walkmen are one-of-a-kind, indeed!

Since you guys don't mind my long posts, and given that our contact is long overdue, allow me to elucidate:

As you might have already inferred from my previous posts, I am a soul sister. I can't conceive of any other criticism to package this album's pitfall more perfectly than the obvious conclusion: It was hollow in every respect, and needless to say, devoid of soul.

I'm impressed by the inclusive reviews you guys were able to conjure on this one. I thought the album sucked beyond description. Lisbon couldn't hold a candle to Best Coast's Crazy For You, and that's base.

When I was a little girl, the music teacher at my elementary school used to blast music in the cafeteria at lunchtime. Whenever I'd hear a lame song, I would turn to my friend at the lunch table and jokingly exclaim, "Call the hitman!" And my friend would start laughing.

After hearing "Stranded," that's exactly what I wanted to do. What the heck kind of whack, European national anthem-type shit is that? And to begin the album with that song? That's comparable to writing a horrific lead to a news story. It's as if they're asking for the consumer to flip the page or delete the download. Bad move, because admittedly, a couple of the songs on there aren't half bad.

What I'm left pondering is this: what in damnation happened to the overwhelming abundance of soul encapsuling the Walkmen's previous efforts? The band's sound went from rad to rank with this album. They've undeniably got something to prove on their next.

Now, onto something noteworthy...

Were you guys inspired/influenced by the Velvet Underground by any chance? Because your band's sound and vocal stylings remind me of them. Especially the lead singer. That's you, Taylor, right? Now THAT'S buzzworthy! :D

Good to be back! Cheers!

Hipster said...

Honestly, I don't know when the next review will be in... College Paul has become about as predictable as the movie Memento. That said, I am happy that we're back in business, so to speak. Heck, this comment is about three weeks overdue, so I'm not exactly reliable myself these days.

I checked out your blog a while back and looked through your stuff; I like the reviews you've worked on, and the photos from that Hole show were pretty tight. I'm not much of a Hole fan myself, but I could tell by reading that you were very passionate writing about them, and that's what counts.

On the review, I know it's not their best effort by far, but calling it soulless is a bit harsh. Gutless maybe. Yeah, I could say pretty gutless. And I can totally see fans not digging this because of it's more toned down nature. I also admit that my initial scorings tend to drop/rise upon further listens, and 8.7 may have been too high a score to lay upon it. An 8.6 at the highest, but I was let down a bit by this one (though no nearly as much as Interpol or Of Montreal, the latter of whose should be up here momentarily... cough cough).

I'm glad that we're finally back(?) and hopefully we can start up at full speed again soon, or at least as "full speed" as we can get. Glad you're still with us, Lianna.

And yes, VU are a huge influence on us. Glad you noticed :D

Anonymous said...

I loved it when you said, "gutless." That's an awesome song by Hole. haha. :)

You're right. "Soulless" was a semi-harsh criticism on my part. I knew I should have watched my phrasing on that one. What I was trying to say was that the album on a whole didn't MOVE me, you know? I need to be moved when I listen to music, and Lisbon failed. lol lol :)

I totally understand if you guys are busy with schoolwork and whatever. I remember the feeling. I'm not working at the moment, so I have a lot of free time on my hands to blog and bullshit. hehe. ;)

I'm glad you like my blog! I need to get off my ass and go to more shows and blog more...for you guys too!

So, by "college paul," does that mean you're still in high school? If so, that's so cute. I graduated 5 years ago. haha. But I have a cousin whose around your age and we're still close, despite the little age difference. People tell me I look like I'm 16 all the time and I'm 23. lol.

You know, like I told Paul, if you guys sound this good this young, you're gonna blow people away in the coming years. Yeah!

Oh, and I have ROCK NEWS!!! Yo, in April of next year, the Experience Music Project in Seattle is having a massive Nirvana exhibit showcasing the first guitar Kurt Cobain ever destroyed and the drum kit Dave Grohl played on along with other instruments that were used when they did Unplugged, AND Kurt Cobain's yellow cardigan that he wore in the '90s!! :O

Don't know about you guys, but I was a HUGE Nirvana fan-- still am-- and I'm thinking about taking a cross-country trip to Seattle to see the exhibit next year!! I wrote an article about it. I attached my link again at the bottom, so you can view it.

Oh, and Taylor... I also wrote an Elliott Smith tribute article too!! Please read it! It's gonna be the anniversary of his death on Oct. 21!

P.S., Even if you can't blog about albums any time soon, we can still talk about music on this anytime if you want!

Enjoy the articles, homez! :P

Anonymous said...

Oh, and loved it when you brought up Memento. In my first semester of Ramapo College, my professor for this class I took called "Idea Development" showed us that flick and it was fucking fantastic. I got goosebumps at the end when it all made sense to me.

Anonymous said...

One last thing... it's such a shame you guys live so far away, because I like interviewing bands and writing features about them. I would have loved to interview your band. But of course, you guys have to live like 2,000 miles away. lol. ugh..

Hipster said...

Huge Nirvana fan, even after all these years. That exhibit looks fucking incredible... wish I lived in Seattle :/

Haha I'm actually in college also, just not an apparently super-busy college like Paul is.

I'll be sure to read it!

Memento is one of my all-time favorites films, and I've only just recently seen it twice.

Maybe we could make some sort of an arrangement... a Skype interview or something? I don't know...

Anonymous said...

Thank god you're not still in high school! :D

You should definitely go to that exhibit in Seattle next April. I'm totally there. If that's not the experience of a lifetime, I don't know what is. We were kids when Kurt died, and obviously too young to be active fans. I remember watching "Smells Like Teen Spirit" on MTV when the video first came out, but I was like 4.

When I went to see Courtney Love in concert man, I was happier than a pig in shit that I could experience her while I'm old enough to be a fan. I was like 6 when Live Through This came out, and 11 when Celebrity Skin came out. I didn't even know whom she was back then. I didn't become a fan until I was 18. But even at 18, she wasn't making music back then, so you could imagine how thrilled I was to hear that she was making a comeback this year... and see her live! I'm still in shock that I was like fucking 6 feet from her.

I love Nirvana, but I'm a bigger fan of Hole, just cuz its a grunge band fronted by a woman, and the best fucking chick-rock outfit ever. Live Through This is such a bomb fucking album. It resonates with me more than any other album in the world. And to sing along to those songs with the woman herself? Holy fuck. Nothing short of BLISS, my friend.

Oh, and I have more rock news. Kill Rock Stars is releasing another album on Nov. 2 called "An Introduction to... Elliott Smith." Just to spread the word!...That was a Beatles reference. :D

And about Skype...I'm not familiar with that. Is that like a form of broadcast?

Anonymous said...

One more thing. Every time you comment, I can't help but to notice that you always comment as "Hipster." It bothers me. Do you like that better than Taylor? You should go with Taylor now that I know who you are. As the commenter, it's comforting to know that I'm talking to a person than a label, you know? =D

Anonymous said...

I was on and found this video on the National. Thought you might like it.

Taylor said...

Lawlz :P

It's not that I like "Hipster" better, in fact I don't much at all... I'm not sure why exactly I leave that name behind. I guess it's my "title" on this blog? I don't know. I'll make the change as of now.

Skype is a wonderful little video chat tool. You're able to see and talk to people from your computer wherever you are (provided there's a connection). It could be used to conduct an interview... crazier things have been done with it.

More links... I'll watch it as soon as I can!

Anonymous said...

More rock news: Slits frontwoman Ari Up has passed away! :( You can read my article on my site for my info.

Anonymous said...

And about the Skype thing...what kind of crazy things? Pray tell.

Taylor said...

I know! :/ The Slits have just recently become one of my favorite bands, so I was pretty surprised and saddened when I heard about it...

Haha I don't even know, I just figured weird stuff has happened on the thing before.

Anonymous said...

With every pleasant conversation I have with you, I can't help but to be impressed by your music knowledge every time. I didn't think you'd know who the Slits were. And when I first saw this blog in like August, I noticed that you even like De La Soul, and I remember thinking, "Damn. He has some taste in music."

You know, Ari Up was a huge impact on the riot grrrl movement in the '90s. She was definitely a quintessential force in the music scene, and a major influence on many great female artists that graced it, especially of the '90s. To get to the point, I'm really glad you're a Slits fan. And not because she's female. Some female groups suck beyond description, but many were awesome. Bikini Kill, Hole, Sleater-Kinney, to name a few. And knowing that you appreciate that, that's really awesome of you.

Did you also know that the Cars are reuniting? I'm excited about that. They were among the first new wave bands to emerge in the '70s alongside Ramones, Talking Heads, etc. They're another outstanding band and a favorite of mine. I used to think they're music was kinda cheesy, and not my thing, but after having more listens to them in the car with my brother whose a big fan, I realize how fucking great they were. Sometimes in life, you gotta give things another try/listen to sort of see if you can perhaps acquire a liking for something before making a firm judgement, you know?

I also couldn't help but to notice something else about your blog that caught my attention in a good way. Up top, it says "Judging life so you don't have to." And then it says "Life was awarded an 8.6." I bet you wrote that. What did you mean by it? Is that a good, bad or average thing about life? That's kinda deep when you think about it...

Anonymous said...

One more thing. How do you feel about the Cure?

Anonymous said...

Ok, maybe two more things. Did you like my Elliott Smith article? I think it's my best.

Taylor said...

Well, thank you very much :) I'm used to people thinking my music taste sucks most of the time, so it's nice whenever that rare person lets me know that they appreciate it.

I did not know that. I haven't really spent much time to appreciate the Cars very much, but I do enjoy some of their songs. The earliest stuff I like the best. Fucking early New Wave, man. Talking Heads are one of my favorite bands of all time.

I like the Cure a lot! I have a handful of their albums, my favorite being Disintegration. As far as Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me goes, I'd like it a lot more if it weren't so uneven and scattershot as an album... but that's another story.

Hahaha I actually did not write that, believe it or not. I probably could have had I thought of it before, but my wit isn't as razor sharp as Paul's. Personally, I'd give life about an 8.0.

Anonymous said...

Whomever told you your taste in music sucks needs their temple examined.

And that's not true! You are witty too! From what I gather from your blog, Paul is witty in a cutesy way, and you're more with it and hip. ;)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Taylor said...

Haha I suppose that's where "Hipster" comes into play.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


I don't know about you, but I feel like all the best bands in music are Irish or English.

For example, The Stone Roses were another English band that was amazing. Kurt Cobain was Irish, Aphex Twin, the Cranberries. This new band, Mumford and Sons are English, not to mention the Beatles were English, and all the other bands a part of the British Invasion.

Australian bands are cool too, like Silverchair and INXS, but I feel like there are more really good bands out there abundant in Irish and English decent.

Anonymous said...

I was just on Pitchfork, and the top story is Robert Smith doing a duet with Crystal Castles. How funny is that? We were just talking about the Cure. lol. His hair is so wild lol.

Taylor said...

Haha yeah I heard about that. Haven't listened to it myself, but it's still an interesting and funny concept.

British bands all the way. From Post-punk to Britpop, British bands are where it's at. However, I do have to admit that American bands follow right behind them in my book. So much originated in America like Blues and Jazz, and from those two genres totally new kinds of music have spawned. And not to mention America produced some of the best Alt-rock in the 80's and 90's (more of the former than the latter)

Anonymous said...

Totally, America did give us a lot of great bands. But, I have a hankering for like Irish everything. lol. I feel like Ireland is where all the smart people and best musicians came from.

I'm not Irish, I'm actually Croatian and Italian, but I have strawberry blond hair and really fair skin, and so a lot of people automatically assume that I am. I don't mind it, I've been getting it my whole life. And when I tell people my true ethnicity, they don't believe me! lol. They say, "No way, You're IRISH!!" And I say, "I'm whatever you want me to fucking be." haha.

OH, More music news!! You're gonna flip dude!!

Dave Grohl is reuniting with Krist Novoselic (Nirvana's bassist) and Butch Vig, the man who produced Nevermind, in the creation of the Foo Fighters new Nirvana-inspired album to drop next year!! They are also filming a movie about their experience. The ENTIRE new Foo album was recorded in Grohl's garage for a "full-on" sound. No more of that acoustic shit. I'm talkin' hard, '90s-inspired rock!! Isn't that insane? And Dave Grohl said that, in 2011, "you won't be able to wash us out of your hair!"

Yo, I think that's fucking amazing. Considering that next year will mark 20 years ago that Nirvana first blew up with Nevermind. I bet MY LIFE Sub Pop will put out a 20th anniversary Nevermind album. They've gotta do SOMETHING. If they did it for Bleach, they'll DEFINITELY do it for one of the best fucking albums in music history!!

Anonymous said...

Do you want to see a video I made last year when I was in college reporting the news? lol.

Taylor said...

Haha sure!

And yes, I actually did hear about that! As much as I don't care for Foo Fighters anymore, after an announcement like that I'm actually looking forward to hearing what comes out as a result. And yeah, I'm definitely sure they'll reissue it.

Anonymous said...

People are really making a stink about Nirvana. Between that museum in Seattle and Grohl reuniting with Novoselic, I feel like Nirvana is being resurrected in a way, you know? Next year is like Nirvana mania all over again, kind of. I'm excited mannnnn!! :D

So last year I made this stand-up news video about the gubernatorial race in New Jersey. I'm a little embarrassed. lol

Go to YouTube and type in my name... and um... yeah, that's me!

Anonymous said...

Did you know that Aphex Twin has 6 unreleased albums plus new material he's working on currently? He hasn't released an album in almost 10 years, and he's been hiding all that good shit all along? And what's even worse is that no one knows if he's even gonna release these so-called albums. That sneak. Buzz kill.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking, can I write a feature story on your band? Perhaps we could do the interview via e-mail, and I'll post the story on my blog, or even on Suite101... or both. Or I could write a profile about you...which ever you want. I'm really good. I could even e-mail you a sample of a feature story I wrote on a lead guitarist that I did in college so you could see how they're done.

I love writing about bands, and it would be my pleasure. Let me know if you're interested.

Taylor said...

Richard James is a sneaky bastard... I'm sure he will at some point.

We'd love to do that! Here's our band's email:

I'll let the guys know what's up!

Anonymous said...

Word up!

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