Tuesday, June 1, 2010


So, some people had an idea that we at Hipster and Friend should expand our reviews to include more than just music. While we do want to keep the main focus on music, I thought it'd be funny to see how Taylor and I differ on other parts of life...
Oh! And while I'm here, I wanna make it known that we are now accepting requests for reviews! If you wan to know how we feel about an album or just want to see Taylor and I get into a huge argument, shoot us an e-mail at hipsterandfriend@gmail.com and let us know what you want reviewed! It can be any album from the past or present!
Thanks for reading!,

Special Post
Friend Review:
I love me some food. I really think I am a fat dude stuck in an average-sized dude’s body. Pizza has always held a special place in my heart. One of the reasons for that is that it’s EVERYWHERE. Last night I was watching hockey with my girlfriend and we got hungry. Guess what we ate? PIZZA. A few years ago my cousin had a party at Chuck E. Cheese’s. Guess what we ate? PIZZA. Why is pizza always there for you? Because it tastes fantastic. And it can please just about anyone. You’re a vegetarian? That’s cool, try pineapple and mushrooms. Oh, you say you love meat? They have meat lover’s pizza. You’re a cowboy? They have barbecue pizza. You don’t like pizza? Get outta here, we don’t like you. I have a friend who’s lactose intolerant and thus has problems eating cheese (we call him Chi-Chi, but that’s another story…) and he still chows down pizza like a champ. Pizza is proof that God is merciful. We are sinners, and He still blesses us with cows, tomatoes, and dough to make delicious food that is also nutritious to some degree. Now, there is good pizza and bad pizza. Good pizza comes from small places such as Zini’s in Deep Ellum or Pizzaghetti on Buckner. Bad pizza comes from chains such as Pizza Hut or Papa John’s. But here’s the thing, bad pizza is still pretty flippin’ delicious. In fact, I’d take bad pizza over most other good foods. So kids, when you’re at home, hungry and indecisive about what to eat, pick up the phone and order a pie, you will never regret it.

Friend Rating:

Hipster Review:
Pizza: the great American food. While it may be that it is loved by a good majority of people across the nation, I must say that for the most part I am not. Yes, I have had my fair share of delicious pizzas, but compared to most of my experiences with the food, I have for most of my life been served a heap of garbage that dared to call itself "pizza." Most of the good kinds I've found have been homemade, and in most every case the fresher the better. And these have been wonderful moments: just the right amount of sauce, perfectly chosen cheese, fine-tuned oven time, and just all-around quality crafted pizza. But these moments, however wonderful, are small milestones; most pizza I have encountered shouldn't even be counted as food. Papa John's, Pizza Hut, etc, all poor excuses for pizza, and I for one refuse to take part in any and all feasting of these selections. If you want a good example of quality pizza, visit Zini's in Deep Ellum; I promise that you will walk away satisfied. If only all pizza was like that...

Hipster Rating:

Coming up tomorrow, Nothing Hurts by Male Bonding!


Marcie said...

Taylor, if Pizza was dumpling flavored, would you give it a higher score?

lydia said...

so amazing. i'm glad y'all went through with this post! AND SHOUT OUT TO ZINI'S WHAAAT

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